Yes, we’re still here…

Thinking that we were leaving almost immediately, after the Thibs fly-in and the Omelette Festival, we’d said a huge number of goodbyes. In fact, we’d had so many goodbyes, we began getting sensitive about still being here some weeks later. One Sunday at church Dick Sirmon (who always razzes us anyway) approached us and said “I left for two weeks and I thought sure y’all would be gone by now!” Into the silence Chelsea said, “Fooled you!” It fooled us as well, since we thought for sure we’d be gone.

Perhaps the funniest comment came from Kenneth Benoit one evening as he and Heuetta dropped us by a “care package” of food. Coming up the front walk (mind you this was well before Thanksgiving), he asked, “Shall I be buyin’ you gals Christmas gifts?” It seemed so absurd that we all laughed quite hard at that.

I assured Kenneth that we’d give him advance notice for our Christmas gifts. I told him, “We’d like something nice, so we’ll give you at least three weeks notice.” Never one to miss a beat, he quipped, “It’ll probably be a housewarming gift.”

We spent the next few weeks working full time on catching up on our blogs. With all the activities we’d been having over the summer and fall, we had fallen far behind. We not only caught up with our current blogs, but I also went back and wrote all the blogs from August and September of 2007 though May of 2008. I finished the day before Thanksgiving, having developed a twitch under my left eye from so much computer time!

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