Delray Beach FL

We have found that the amount of work we had to do to finish getting the house packed and ready for new people, and trying to finish off a few computer intensive projects has completely consumed our time since we last posted. As you may notice, we have made a lot of updates to our website. We have been wanting to make these changes for quite some time, but when we were on the road and had only the one laptop and only a few hours of time that it was possible to get things done, we simply weren’t getting anywhere. We also got delayed by the thunder storms that have swept through our area.

After working really late for one too many nights in a row, Rosemary woke up this morning after a rough night feeling unwell, so she is having a rare day of taking it easy and getting some rest. In the meantime, I am working on the project of the website, and continuing to get the house ready.

We have made huge progress on getting our packing and projects finished off, and are looking forward to getting back on the road. We will post updates soon on what our updated plans are.

Signing off for now from Delray Beach FL…

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