Leaving Port Lavaca – headed “home” for a break

I can’t resist a short blog today, as we are very excited that we got another ride on Craigslist for our last section home. In slightly over four hours after posting a new listing on Craigslist Orlando, I got an email privately responding to our listing.

Our first driver will drop us off at a turnpike plaza in north central Florida, and within an hour our second driver will pick us up and bring us to our home in southeast Florida. We leave here about four p.m. tomorrow, and we’ll arrive home in Florida about twenty-four hours later.

It will be a long trip, but we’ll be in much more comfortable circumstances; we’ll be able to stop when we need to for bathroom breaks, we’ll be able to eat when we’re hungry, and we’ll be riding in more comfortable seats with just us and the drivers. We’re delighted!

We had a relaxed time here in Port Lavaca last night; Roger and Josh organized a barbecue of steaks, potatoes, grilled jalapenos stuffed with cheese and wrapped in bacon, and grilled cabbage. We thoroughly enjoyed the chance to just hang out.

Roger is working on getting fresh shrimp tonight, and if he’s successful, we’ll have a dinner of grilled shrimp and fresh salad. He’s also suggested that we take a ride down to Magnolia Beach and possibly Port O’Connor.

Chelsea and I are taking it easy today, resting up for what will be a loooong twenty-four hours ahead. We got up after the guys left at 6:15 this morning (we are awakened at five each morning as they get up and get ready for work), and brought coffee and cinnamon bread out to the bird pavilion on the boardwalk.

We sat in peaceful silence for several hours watching the sunrise, the majestic blue herons fishing in the bay, the nest of baby pigeons above us being fed by their mama, and the young clapper rails scurrying around under the pavilion. The drought damage is very evident here – the marshes are dry and cracked, noticeably much drier than when we were here a few weeks ago.

We’re planning on making sandwiches and bringing snacks and water on our trip, so we’ll do that tomorrow, along with packing our few things that are out of the trailers. We’ll be likely running into rain for the first time in many months, so we’re thinking about how to effectively tarp our bikes and trailers en route.

We are very happy to be going home for a short break. We’re so glad to be downsizing more, and we’re happy to be able to be in one spot, uninterrupted, to finish off the current writing projects. We’re also delighted to see family again, and we’ve written to a few good friends we haven’t seen in over two years, hoping to get together before we take off again.

Unless something changes, I really won’t write again until we arrive home, but we will post a note on the front page assuring y’all that we’ve arrived home safely.

Signing off from Port Lavaca, TX…

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